

Friday, February 13, 2009


选举委员会主席阿都阿兹宣布,武吉干当国会议席和武吉士南卯州议席在同一天举行补选, 提名日为3月29日,投票日是4月7日,竞选期共9天。

在宪法选举法律下, 补选必须在60天期限内举行。补选日期设定是见证 民主的执行。

选委会主席阿都阿兹表示, 将两场补选订于同一天举行是为了节省经费及统一竞选期;将可以避免太过长的竞选期危及公共秩序及公共安全。

他指出,霹雳州政权易手后,局势依然紧张,因此 长的补选准备期可以先缓和各方情绪。虽然投票日落在星期二,阿都阿兹表示希望当天将出现高投票率。

因此, 人民无须及不应质疑选举委员会的专业。


The nomination day for the Bukit Gantang parliamentary seat in Perak and the Bukit Selambau state seat in Kedah will be held simultaneously on March 29 (Sunday) and voting on April 7 (Tuesday).

The law required the by-elections to be held within 60 days of the seats being vacant, which falls on April 11. It is here where the meanings of democratic constitutionalism and democratic politics are being brought onto the practice.

Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said the decision to hold simultaneous by-elections was to save costs and reduce different campaign periods, adding a lengthy campaign period could risk public order and safety.

He said the situation in Perak was still tense after a government switch and the time-frame for the Bukit Gantang by-election would allow all parties to "cool off". He was hopeful there would be a high voter turnout despite polling day being a Tuesday.

The question remains: Shouldn’t we attempt to question the professionalism of Election Commission by fixing the poll date simultaneously?

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